Good Christian Girls is a story about a young girl who struggles to identify with her spirituality while living in an abusive and destructive environment. To deal with her conflicting personas, Fay develops an alter ego. Soon she realizes the consequences of of her actions.
Momma always told me, “Good Christians girls don’t do things like that.” Like what? Well, when I wore that new mini skirt I bought, momma said, “Good Christian girls don’t show off their knees.” And when I put a second piercing in my left earlobe, she said, “Good Christian girls don’t need holes in their body.” Then there was the time when she saw me kissing little Jake form down the block, she said, “Good Christian girls…” her left palm roughly slapped across my glossy lips, she cleared her throat and tightened her jaw. Then she continued, “…don’t kiss little big headed boys who spend their days standing on damn street corners.” What can I say, I didn’t say momma was a good Christian woman.
What did daddy say? Daddy didn’t say much. He would simply sit in his rickety rocking chair and face the corner window watching the cars go by. When momma pounded my face into our brand new plush carpeting, daddy took another sip of his brandy. I’d wail and he’d watch and sip. Well, there was that one time daddy turned to us and said, “Mind taking this into another room?” You see daddy became so used to being momma’s punching bag for such long years, he’d grown tired of objecting. Rather he chose to let momma abuse me, instead of him, away from his quiet time. Maybe daddy isn’t that good of a Christian man either.
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