More about me...

I have come across my own coming of age story. After graduating from college, I found myself sinking into an comfortably uncomfortable place in my life. I was coasting by through life and soon grew tired of it. I have degrees in English and Communication yet I wasn't using them. When you go to school for what you love to do and learn about, settling into a field that stifles potential growth of your talents becomes depressing. Hence, I decided to take control of my life and head down the path of self recognition.
I was a bill collector. At first, it was just a job to get the bills paid. The money was good and the work easy. However, I realized that I was basing my successes at work on the failures of others. If people paid their bills on time, I was out of work. Yes, I was one of those nagging, sometimes rude (sorry) individuals who called your home twelve times a day begging for your hard earned cash. I remember in training being told not to ask questions that led customers to believe I was there to service them. For instance, I was told not to ask, "How was your day?" because that veers the conversation away from what I'm really calling about. I'm calling your home twenty (literally) times a day and I couldn't acknowledge the status of your day. The task at hand was simply to annoy and badger. Is this the person I've become? Am I nothing but a college graduate turned bill collector? Yuck, say it ain't so.

Time for life changes. So I packed up my things and moved (after finding another job of course). Best decision I ever made. I'm no longer bogged down by the stresses of a job I had no plans of ever evolving in. I have evolved from the misguided child unsure of where I wanted to be. Too scared to address life; rather I lived life in it's shadows. Now, a loving partner and mother, I have come into my own skin and made the decision to move forward, consistently. I am a writer. I am a commentator. I am an observationist (if one so ever exists). I am Jesi Met.

Jesi Met is no longer but a clever pseudonym but a persona. Jesi Met is a brand, soon to be a household name. Hence, I have launched a full blown campaign advertising Jesi Met Industries. Bringing to the world more blogs, more writings on the wall, more wine and shoes, and more me.
I am taking the world on a journey toward greater understanding. The magic word of the day (or century) is "GROWTH." One of my favorite quotes is from American author Bruce Barton, he said, "When you're through changing, you're through." I have no intentions of being through any time soon. So, strap on your safety harnesses, it'll be a bumpy yet highly exhilarating ride.

"When I was a child, I spoke like a child, thought like a child, and reasoned like a child. When I became a woman, I put away childish things." 1 Corinthians 13:11

Love, Life, Happiness.